Surface Noise: A Zine

Welcome to Surface Noise: A Zine in which I ramble about punk, emo, indie, DIY music and all genres in-between. There are reviews, interviews and features. You can pick up a physical copy from

Surface Noise Issue 3 – Sept 2021

Honestly, I am still such an emo kid at heart. One of my recent 5x5s was described as having “some strong emoness”. I often find myself looking to America for the next emo band, but there are so many brilliant UK bands out there too. That’s why 3 of the albums reviewed in this issue are all from UK bands: Lakes, Slash Fiction and I Feel Fine. With Newgrounds Death Rugby completing the reviews, I hope you enjoy the albums as much as I did.

I thought that it’d be quite interesting to speak to people who aren’t in bands but still play a crucial part in the industry, so a number of the interviews focus on people behind the scenes. It’s with great delight that I am able to share interviews with tour booker Maja Groves (Queers to the Front), label owner Andy Fulterer (rosecoloured records) and tastemaker Jamie Coletta (No Earbuds!) In addition to those interviews I also spoke to Sarah from Antonioni and CHERYM were kind enough to answer some questions on their way back from Latitude.

I can’t even begin to tell how excited I am by this issue, this is my favourite yet! There are so many good interviews and I’ve reviewed some absolutely brilliant records, including one that is awaiting release. // Purchase a copy